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    For more than 80 years, OK Kosher has been the global benchmark for kosher certification. Our reputation for the highest level of clear kosher standards, technical expertise, and customer service makes us the most efficient kosher organization around.
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    Our symbol is instantly recognizable and universally accepted as the sign of kosher certification in the marketplace.
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    The world over, buyers distinguish our standards of diligence in verifying the kosher status of the products they purchase. They know that our team has screened each of the ingredients used in each product, and that there is a program of adequate inspections to the manufacturing site.
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    We offer a groundbreaking, innovative software system that simplifies raw material management compliance, accelerates certification and ensures your data’s security.
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    Kosher certification is our sole focus, and with over 80 years of experience, you can be confident that you have partnered with the industry expert.
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    Our teams are committed to proactive, responsive, and helpful service. Our fees are competitive, with no hidden costs. We look forward to hearing how we can help your company become Kosher-certified. symbol, and see what our experience can do for you!


Trusted and Recognized

Respected across the food industry, OK Kosher certifies approximately 5000 production facilities and quite a few of America’s top 20 food manufacturers– including Snapple®™, Domino Sugar®™, Tropicana®™, Maxwell House®™, Hunts®™, and Kellogg’s®™ and many more private brands like Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons, Publix, Sam’s Club, Aldi’s and Kirkland Signature – the OK symbol is immediately recognized in the marketplace.


With regional offices across six continents and representatives in 115 countries, OK Kosher certifies hundreds of thousands of products around the world. In most cases, audits are performed in the local language.


OK Kosher employs only world-renowned experts in Kosher law and industrial food production.


Our ground-breaking digital technology assures accurate and up-to-date information – in real-time.


The OK symbol on a product indicates that OK Kosher Certification has independently verified the kosher status of the product. The OK uses its many resources and over 80 years of kosher certification experience to counsel companies regarding numerous kosher-related issues, including cost-effective production and ingredient alternatives, to better serve our customers. We work with our customers to find acceptable solutions without compromising kosher standards.

  • OK Kosher is committed to all of its customers and to the kosher consumer.
  • We are committed to upholding the highest standards of kosher law.
  • We are committed to fast, high-quality service.
  • We are committed to the use of state-of-the-art technology to streamline your kosher program. These commitments are evident at every stage of our relationship with our clients.

OK Kosher Certification founded in 1935. © 2020 All rights reserved. Design + Development Spotlight Design